History of Jelcz PR110M

It was looking how was imagined ideal bus for Poland according to national experts of automotive industry in late 60s. At this time on roads mostly we could met Jelcz 272MEX buses (Called cucumbers), and Syrena, Warszawa cars and few Fiats. Bus was prepared for Poland by french company Berliet. This idea was very modern comparing to that times. We can compare for example "cucumber" bus and very spacious with big windows PR110. The assumption was that basing on existing, modern PR100 body, the new construction of 12 meter bus with three doors. The new bus PR-110 instead of using V800 V-motor engine, was equipped with licensed from Leyland 11 liter engine WSK Mielec SW680. It led to a lot of problems with construction of this bus. Beside the engine, it was equipped with ZF licensed gearbox, shock absorbers and some other west-europe inventions. In 1972 polish goverment bought a license for non-existing bus, an hybrid of french Berliet body and polish equipment. Berlet PR100 was a french adaptation of german VOV standard bus – two door, with engine on the back and lower lever of floor. In PR110 extraordinary was a angular carroserie shape, a typical for a cars from seventies. After rhe license was bought a prototype of PR110 was made in France (1974) and normal production started in the end of 1975 and lasted till 1992 when Jelcz 120M substituted PR110. A "new hope" for public transport in Poland turned out to has low quality and thee buses performed poorly in regular traffic. Due to this fact in 1980s the decision was made to remove them from major cities from Poland and buy Ikaruses from Hungary.
Wrocław had a chance to see these buses very early because prototype series was tested. They was owned by Jelcz and had strange numbers B001 and etc. Probably in 1976 MPK Wrocław started the regular exploitation of PR110 but supplies were limited. First huge supply of 45 Jelcz PR110U arrived in the beginning of 1978. Till the july 1985 about 255 items of PR110 were delivered. The last, 256th PR110 was bought in year 1991 but it differed from PR110U (engine MAN D2566 instead WSK Mielec, ZF automatic gearbox instead of manual FPS S6). Jelczes PR110U or M were retired till 1996 year, but some of them was sold to Autotram and were riding on special routes to shopping centers. The last one as inoperatible wreck survived till 2006 year in ex-depot Tyska.
History of Jelcz PR110M #003

Bus Jelcz PR110M was manufactured in JZS (Jelczańskie Zakłady Samochodowe) in year 1987 and since then was operating in Iława urban transport. Autobus Jelcz PR110M #003 został wyprodukowany w Jelczańskich Zakładach Samochodowych w roku 1987 i od nowośći jeździł w Iławskiej komunikacji miejskiej. It is equiped in engine WSK Mielec SW680/78/1 which is a licensed version of Leyland O.680 engine, it is mounted with four-gear manual gearbox from Tczew. During the 90s it went through first main repair which took place in Jelcz factory and the second repair, connected with change of look, was done 2000s. Bus was operating in Iława till 2015 and it was bought from there. Nowadays we are trying to restore it to original look but works has not been finished yet.
Parameters | |
Built | 1987 |
Total number of passengers | 110 |
Number of seats | 35 |
Length | 12000 mm |
Heigth | 3000 mm |
Width | 2550 mm |
Netto weight | 9500 kg |
Total weight | 12000 kg |
Engine power | WSK Mielec SW680 136kW |

Events that the vehicle participated in
Dzień Otwarty Zajezdni Popowice
19 października 2024

Obsłużyliśmy Noc Muzeów we Wrocławiu w 2024 roku
18 maja 2024

Dwudziesta druga rocznica powstania strony phototrans.eu
20 kwietnia 2024

Dzień Otwarty Zajezdni Popowice
9 września 2023

Obsłużyliśmy Noc Muzeów we Wrocławiu
20 maja 2023

Mikołajki na Zajezdni Popowice
3 grudnia 2022

Dzień Otwarty Zajezdni Popowice 2020
5 września 2020

Dzień Otwarty Zajezdni Popowice 2019
7 września 2019

Obsłużyliśmy Noc Muzeów we Wrocławiu
18 maja 2019

Dzień Otwarty Zajezdni Popowice
8 września 2018

Dzień Dziecka na Zajezdni Dąbie
2 czerwca 2018

Noc Muzeów 2018 we Wrocławiu
19 maja 2018

Wyjazd jelczem do Dzierżoniowa
21 października 2017

140 lat na szynach - wystawa z okazji Dnia Otwartego MPK
16 września 2017

Dzień otwarty zajezdni Popowice
9 września 2017

Wakacje na Dabiu
8 lipca 2017

Zlot i Piknik Jelcza
17 czerwca 2017

Noc Muzeów 2017
20 maja 2017